The Deep Breath Before the Plunge
I feel like I’m at the last deep breath before a climax of crazy. About a month and a half from now, I'll be finished with my job as Nanny to two amazing little munsters, and life will explode into a whole new juggling act.
I’ll be moving out, into my first EVER home of my own (with a couple roommates, but still. It’ll be the first time my name is on a lease). I’ll be looking into schools to pursue a new venture (I’m going to become an apothecary! Crazy cool, right?), and the families I have lived, breathed and fought with for the past three years are all going their separate ways to get married or move away, which means my social network will be that much smaller.
I must admit, this is not how I saw this new year going. The blessings of this year have come wrapped in some quixotic packages, along with some things I'm just really not okay with. It makes it very hard to appreciate the good things as they come.
But I have faith that it will all turn out as it should, despite the heartbreaks and backward feelings. I'm trusting that my Yahweh has my back and is leading it all toward a better plateau. The blessings I was promised are pouring in, and I celebrate each one, even as I feel like crying.
I live a very good life, and I have every appreciation of that. I don’t pretend it’s been easy, but It’s been well supported and I’ve always made it through.
I'm thankful for the blessings I've been given up to now, and I look forward to what newness is coming my way.