Week 8! Splish Splashing along!

We're back again! Summer is winding down, but we still have a couple more interviews to go!
This week, please help show some love to D.R. Perry!

Tell me now; who are you?

What is it that you write?
I write speculative fiction with a healthy dose of humor. Right now, I'm writing and publishing a series that takes place at a supernatural school called Providence Paranormal College. That's a ten book series. Book 5 will be out at the end of the month. 

I just finished reading Bearly Awake! It was very fun; It reminded me of Christine Feehan's shifter series, but with much more comedy (and better dialogue, in my opinion).

Tell me a bit about yourself; What else do you like to do? 
I fight internet dragons in MMOs, make up goofy lyrics to popular music, mix ingredients to make chemical reactions with tasty results. 

What is your favorite way to story build and brainstorm?
I head down to the Idea Corral and rope one of them. After that, I hop on to see how it runs and where it wants to go. Then, once it trusts me, I make it pretty and show it off. 

How do you create your characters? 
Mostly by writing about them. Sometimes, I get a name and something basic like their hair or height. After that, they don't reveal more until I put my fingers on the keys and go. 

What was the best feedback you've ever gotten from a reader? 
I always love hearing when someone tells me they want to read more. 

Tell me more about your writing: What was your first published work?
The first story published was called Subjective Value. That was published in an anthology in 2013. My first published poem is in The Longest Night Watch Anthology, which benefits the Alzheimer's Association. My first novel was PPC book 1, Bearly Awake

Do you have a favorite project so far? What makes it so?
I love working on the charity anthologies. The other writers are so much fun to work with and it's great to see the book come together and help people. I also did Stardust, Always, which benefits Saint Jude's Research for cancer. 

What's next on your agenda? What can we look forward to in the coming year?
All the PPC books will be out by December. I also have a sci-fi series in the works, and one about a superhero academy. There might be more PPC spinoffs, too. Those will either take place in the past of the series or be unrelated to the main storyline about the school saboteur. 

Why did you decide to write and publish?
It's what I do! But seriously, I'm 42. It was just time, especially after writing for most of my life. I had to see if I could make a career out of it.

What do you think is your driving force behind your writing? What keeps you going?
My family. I want to contribute to our lives in more ways than housekeeping. I also want to be able to read some of these books with my daughter someday. 

The mother of all questions: Tell us about a favorite book?
I read some great indie authors recently. I'm in the middle of Unforseen by Allison Barnard. It's a genetic sci-fi sort of dystopian book and very well done. 

Anything else you'd like our adoring masses to know?
Don't be a stranger! You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and my website/blog. I have a mailing list you can get on from my website, too. Here are some links:


D.R. Perry

D.R., It's been a pleasure working with you and getting to know you better. Thanks so much for stopping by!

Readers, Make sure you go follow D.R. Perry on Goodreads to keep up with her shenanigans!
